Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Oh, and..

You have got to listen to this today. The sun is shining, it's not humid. This song is a favorite of mine and just so beautiful.

You Can Close Your Eyes - James Taylor

Summer's winding down.

Hey friends.

Summer is over in 19 days. But fear not, the good times will continue as I am traveling to ROME. Crazy, huh? I can't wait to be a European for 3 months. I'm going to miss my family like CRAZY, I'm really close with them.

This summer has been tough. My dog passed away, my mom had surgery, I lost my passport less than a month before my departure, and my computer was almost no more... but things seem to be turning around. At least I'm hopeful they are.

I'm nervous for this trip, but excited nonetheless. It's going to be life changing. For the better, I hope. I need to branch out a little and do some new things and continue growing as a person.

I applied for a student blogger position for my program, and I REALLY hope that I get it. Like, really REALLY hope. I want to share my experience with thousands of people. I want to get my name out there. I want to inspire people and show people that the world is an open place.

It's going to have to be a quick post today, I'm on the run.
But, take care everyone, and I will post again very very soon :)


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Good afternoon,

So, I am thinking of getting a tattoo. Soon. I don't know. I'm so torn about it, but I have a few ideas.

Here's the one I'm seriously contemplating:

Someday I’ll be big enough

It's a lyric from Taylor Swift's song "Mean," that means a lot to me. It's just a reminder that thought things might not always go smoothly, someday I will be good enough, successful enough, etc because I know I am capable of achieving my goals.

I'm not 100% sure yet, which is why I've been waiting, but I definitely want to get one in the near future.

I also wanted to tell you guys a story! The other night was the greatest summer night :)
It started off with getting lost on a creepy road in the woods while delivering a pie with my best friends. It was so scary and there were these humongous black flies that were swarming the car. Finally after like 40 minutes of looking we found the house we were supposed to deliver it to and it was literally at the very start of the road so we went down the scary part for no reason. But it was pretty fun :) 
After, we went back to my friend Jessica's house and I played with the cutest kitten I have ever seen! 


 SO CUTE, right?!
He is nameless and little and fuzzy and he lets you hold him like a baby.
After we cuddled with the kitty we walked from Ethan’s to the beach and went night swimming. We swam out to the raft where we watched the finale of the Onset fireworks in the distance. A surprise visit from Jess’ mom who yelled at us from the shore completed the moment.
Then we had a bonfire and made delicious s’mores. I know it's not a very climactic story, but it was a really great day and I wanted to share it with you :)

I have to go help my mom make dinner, but I will catch you later!

Monday, July 9, 2012

I am thankful for:

The ocean.

Alright, wow.

It has been a long time.

Here's the update on my life:

1. I am going to ITALY in a little over a month to study abroad. Crazy, right? Time flies.
2. I MET TAYLOR SWIFT, my inspiration to do what I love.
3. I might be interning at her record label next summer.
4. Did I mention I am going to Europe in a month?

I am so sorry for my lack of posting. These last few months have been crazy busy and so much has happened. I feel like I have really matured, grown, and changed as a person in the last year.

I feel like I am finally starting to really know who I am and what direction I'm going in.

My dreams scare me, not going to lie. Failure terrifies me. I want it so bad. I want to be a role model, I want to make a difference. I want to make people happy. I am visiting Nashville next March with my mom, and I can't wait. It's going to put my dreams into motion. I need to be a part of the music industry. I have to.

After I met Taylor, I was thinking that it would be such a fun job to be one of the people who gives out meet and greet passes to unsuspecting fans. You get to hang backstage, watch the show, and make fans happy. You get to make people's dreams come true. I want to be involved with that. It's so magical. I feel like that would be so rewarding. I love making people happy.

This summer has been tough. My mom had surgery, my dog had a severe allergic reaction, and I have been really stressing out trying to take care of everyone. I believe that everything happens for a reason and that everything ends up being okay in the end, so that has been helping me get through these last few weeks. And lo and behold, things seem to be on the up and up. :)

Though I am terrified, I feel ready to embark on my study abroad trip. I have always dreamt of visiting Italy. I feel stuck in a rut and I'm ready for a change. I am excited to have this opportunity to travel and see the world and become more independent and self-reliant.

Well, I have to be getting to bed. Work bright and early.
Thanks for reading this, if you did. Will post again soon.

Oh, & before I go: Ed Sheeran. Wake Me Up. It's a beautiful song. Listen and fall in love.