Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Oh, and..

You have got to listen to this today. The sun is shining, it's not humid. This song is a favorite of mine and just so beautiful.

You Can Close Your Eyes - James Taylor

Summer's winding down.

Hey friends.

Summer is over in 19 days. But fear not, the good times will continue as I am traveling to ROME. Crazy, huh? I can't wait to be a European for 3 months. I'm going to miss my family like CRAZY, I'm really close with them.

This summer has been tough. My dog passed away, my mom had surgery, I lost my passport less than a month before my departure, and my computer was almost no more... but things seem to be turning around. At least I'm hopeful they are.

I'm nervous for this trip, but excited nonetheless. It's going to be life changing. For the better, I hope. I need to branch out a little and do some new things and continue growing as a person.

I applied for a student blogger position for my program, and I REALLY hope that I get it. Like, really REALLY hope. I want to share my experience with thousands of people. I want to get my name out there. I want to inspire people and show people that the world is an open place.

It's going to have to be a quick post today, I'm on the run.
But, take care everyone, and I will post again very very soon :)
